Language Services
Q: How do you count the number of words?
A: The number of words is counted according to the number of Chinese characters, which include Chinese words (hanzi), the Arabic alphabet, numbers and punctuation, but exclude spaces. On the Review tab of Word 2010 and Word 2007, in the Proofing group, we click Word Count and select Characters (no spaces). A document with less than 1,000 Chinese characters is charged as one with 1,000 Chinese characters. Documents such as ID cards, household registration booklets, drivers' licenses, business licenses and notarized documents are charged by the number of copies. For long-term partners, their documents with less than 1,000 Chinese characters can be accumulated through the payment charges mentioned above.

Q: What’s your rating for translations? Do you provide free trial translations?
A: Translation is charged depending on the language, number of words, technical complexity, and clients' specific requirements for turnaround time, typesetting, and graphics and etc. Hence, services are quoted based on specific request to guarantee the reasonability. We provide a free trial translation of 200 Chinese characters for first-time clients when the number of files up for translation exceeds 8,000.

Q: Do you use translation software? How do you guarantee the translation quality? If I am not proficient in the targeted language, how can I make sure your translation is correct?
A: All translation assignments are done by human translators since those done by software programs cannot be understood smoothly and clearly. The differences between translations done by translators and software programs are obvious. We stick firmly to the standard process of T(ranslating)+E(diting)+P(roofreading) and stringent quality control to guarantee high-quality translation services.

Q: Is confidentiality guaranteed for my documents?
A: Yes. All of our translators are strictly ethical and have signed a binding agreement with us regarding confidentiality. We sign confidentiality agreements with our clients before each assignment starts.

Q: How do you ensure timely delivery? Do you provide express translation services?
A: We have established a complete scientific project management process, as well as the standard process of T(ranslating)+E(diting)+P(roofreading) to ensure on-time translation delivery. We also offer express services with quicker turnaround time according to our customers' exact needs.

Q: How shall I pay for translation services?
A: We have flexible payment methods:
1) Bank transfer/remittance (applicable to corporate accounts only, with accounts available for most banks)
2) Cash
3) Check
4) Online banking
Information Services
Q: What information solutions do you provide?
A: Our information services include, but are not limited to, Market Survey, Market Intelligence, Media Analysis, and Industry Report. We also customize the language and information integrated and related services as per customers' needs.

Q: Do you offer a free trial for your services?
A: Yes. We offer a free trial that lasts for one or two days accordingly. Certain fees will be charged for longer trials. Specific details are made clear in the contract.

Q: Do you outsource your information services?
A: No. We have long-term strategic partners at home and abroad to provide information data. We code reading, integrate, sort out, and analyze the data to provide customized information services for our customers.

Q: Is confidentiality guaranteed for my information?
A: We have an effective conflict management system to ensure the confidentiality of our clients and their information. Under a vertical management structure, different project teams are designated for different clients from the same industry.
Business Assistance
Q: What is your One-stop Information Kit?
A: Our One-stop Information Kit is a service package that supports domestic and overseas small- and medium-sized businesses in seeking timely and accurate information, promoting productive interactions with related supervising organs, generating positive public relations, arranging visits, and any assistance in need. It’s dedicated to facilitating a successful start, growth and management of a small and medium foreign business to be operating in China, as well as domestic ones to go overseas, with services including, but not limited to, Media Relations, Government Relations, Visit Arrangements, and Event Planning.
Custom Solutions
Q: What kind of custom solutions do you provide?
A: Based on language, information and business services, we provide custom solutions combined or related as per customers' needs.
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